Ancient woodland plants
Click to enlarge - plant identification sheet.
Reproduced by permission of Professor Mel Jones
Ancient Woodland Indicators
Introduction - This guide covers 46 of the more commonly found ‘Ancient Woodland Indicator’ (AWI) vascular plants (or AWVP). Some have stronger affinities for older woods and a subjective attempt has been made to weight each species on a scale of 10 where 1 is a ubiquitous species found in any shaded habitat, including hedgerows and 10 is almost always found in the most long-established woods.
This is not definitive and is a guide only. It also does not take full account of regional variation or the fact that some species are restricted to either acidic (Equisetum sylvaticum and
Ceratocapnos claviculata) or calcareous woodland soils
(Equisetum telmateia Paris quadrifolia).
As there are only 46 species no attempt has been made to devise a key. The species are in alphabetical order of scientific name with the common name where space allows.
Click on each picture for a larger view. Or for a slide show click on the first picture then click the Play button.
Reproduced with kind permission of Barry Wright