Who are the Friends of Gillfield Wood
The Friends of Gillfield Wood is a voluntary group formed in 2011 by members of the local community who have a real interest in and love of the wood.
We hold events in most months throughout the year to which members and non- members are warmly invited.
The group’s main aim is to protect Gillfield Wood, conserve it and encourage biodiversity within it. Our other aims include learning as much about the wood as possible and involving the local community and public as a whole in events throughout the year.
We are fully involved in researching the history of the wood plus surveying and mapping its flora, fauna and woodland archaeology. Species records are submitted to the Sheffield Biological Records Centre for adding to their database.
The events we organise include walks, talks, conservation workdays, surveys and special family events. For more information go to the Events page or email fogwsecretary@gmail.com
Anyone can become a member of the group (see Membership tab). If you would like to join, or if you have any questions, please email fogwsecretary@gmail.com.
Indoor Meetings
We arrange at least four indoor meetings a year between September and April. These are held in our local library in Totley on a Monday evening. The talks are usually illustrated and cover a wide range of topics relating to woodland and natural history.
These meetings are well attended and are a great opportunity to meet other members and members of committee; a lovely atmosphere with refreshments available.
Outdoor Events
We organise a wide variety of outdoor events in and around our wood throughout the year for members and non- members. These events can include, for example, bird, flower, fungi and history walks as well as specific survey work. We also arrange certain events for families and children to join in each year.
Our forthcoming events are listed in detail here. Remember, no experience is necessary, please just come along and enjoy yourself, you will be made very welcome.
Conservation Workdays
Our conservation workdays are held once a month on Sunday mornings with a Sheffield City Council Woodlands Ranger in attendance and supervising. We occasionally have midweek and Saturdays too. Tasks have included creating ponds and glades; improving footpaths; thinning of woodland; widening woodland rides, the repair of stiles and gates and the building of dry-stone walls. The tasks involve a mixture of heavy and light work, so we encourage anyone to come along and join in. We do have a lot of fun, plenty of chatting, with tea and coffee provided. For more details see Events.
We always work with the full support of Sheffield City Council's Parks and Countryside Service which is ultimately responsible for the maintenance and management of Gillfield Wood.
Committee Meetings
The Friends of Gillfield Wood group have their AGM in April each year.
During the year we hold a number of committee meetings to discuss our programme of events plus current and ongoing issues relating to the wood and other matters.
Our constitution allows us to have 15 committee members representing the group. Currently we have 11 serving members. If you would like to take up one of the available places, say for just one year, you would be most welcome – we are grateful for any new ideas you can bring. Any interest please email fogwsecretary@gmail.com or come along to one of our events and have a chat with a member of committee.
A number of our members provide valuable help at events, so if you would just like to help out on certain occasions, rather than be on the committee, we will be very pleased to hear from you.